West Hendred lies at the foot of the north side of the Berkshire Downs and is probably most well known by drivers as being the home of The Hare. It is the white boarded pub on the A417, now known as The Extraordinary Hare, which has recently reopened after renovation. But turn off the main road opposite The Hare and you enter the village. It is a straggly village, stretching from the main road right up on to the downs.

Location map:


From the A417 the road runs downhill to the centre of the village where a bridge crosses a small brook, known here as the West Hendred Brook. From the bridge the road carries on through the village, now going uphill as it heads towards the downs.

West Hendred is just off the A417, about 3 miles east of Wantage.

Images of West Hendred:
(Click to view)

West Hendred 1
West Hendred 2
West Hendred 3
West Hendred 4
West Hendred 5
West Hendred 6
West Hendred 7



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West Hendred